DON’T rush to pick your platform.
DO your homework and determine the preliminary agenda to ensure the platform suits your needs.
DON’T go at it alone.
DO work with professionals – they have seen it all and are experts in making it happen!
DON’T wait until the end to determine desired outcome.
DO define success metrics and longevity of content being shown.

DON’T assume one platform will do it all.
DO think creatively. You are not limited to one platform per event. The most thought out virtual event will incorporate multiple applications.
DON’T think of the testing phase as the last step before taking your event live.
DO test and re-test at every phase of the event building process. Make sure to view the front-facing side through the eyes of all audience types.
DON’T assume every platform offers the same level of support.
DO consult with a virtual event expert to help verify services and negotiate the proper level of support needed in order to make your event a virtual success.

DON’T let the platform drive your agenda.
DO take time to create a detailed framework before contracting with a platform. It’s like the saying ‘Don’t let the tail wag the dog, let the dog wag the tail.’
DON’T just copy your in-person agenda.
DO consider time zones, limiting sessions due to shorter attention spans and schedule breaks.
DON’T be boring!
DO create elements for engagement opportunities (i.e. polls, Q&A, gamification, gifting, networking, etc.). Reach out to our Event Engineers for networking strategies.

DON’T shortchange the resources put towards creative design.
DO engage your creative team early to brand the event from the onset. Brand identity builds trust!
DON’T be limited by a template provided by the platform
DO compelling visual vibrancy is key!
DON’T limit your creativity to only platform graphics.
DO weave your creative design through all elements like video reels, communication and gifting experiences.

DON’T treat your sessions like an everyday video meeting.
DO make the content and the speaker visually exciting.
DON’T assume your speakers technology is sufficient. Conduct tech checks and have each speaker perform internet speed tests prior to recording and/or live broadcasting.
DO rehearse and rehearse again.
DON’T ‘Wing It’…unless that means you’re hiring a Wings Event Engineer to support you and your team.
DO create a run of show. Even though there are less lights, microphones and cameras doesn’t mean that there are less cues to be put on paper. In a virtual event, your team is not sitting at the same tech table at the back of the room, therefore detailed documentation is more important than ever!

DON’T forget to plan for marketing opportunities throughout your entire event life cycle.
DO create a thorough marketing plan using multiple communication outlets (i.e. email, social media, platform) for pre, during and post event that speaks to all stakeholders and audiences.
DON’T use housekeeping notes as your only in platform messaging.
DO create a detailed communication plan for real-time announcements and messaging.
DON’T assume there will be no blips or hiccups during a virtual meeting.
DO create a contingency plan and prepare messaging for when the unexpected happens.
DON’T forget to brand, market and push out your event on social media.
DO generate a buzz and that fear of missing out (FOMO).

DON’T expect 100% attendance.
DO plan for at least a 30% attrition of those that are registered. Our Event Engineers recommend keeping registration open and let registration numbers exceed your goal to make up for the inevitable event-day drop.
DON’T let your attendees get ‘Zoom fatigue’.
DO create engagement opportunities utilizing the gamification, polling and other interactive tools offered by the platform.
DON’T assume every attendee has attended a digital event before or that attendees know how to navigate the platform or virtual environment.
DO leave enough time for attendees to get acquainted with the platform before the event is live. Create logical and intuitive navigation guides and take time to fully prep your Help Desk staff.