Things are really scary this Halloween! Kids and adults are gearing up for this beloved holiday where the lines between fantasy and reality meld. That goblin named Supply Chain is getting in on the act this year too and the word "boo" is being used in a completely different way. Those searching for those ready to wear costumes are being met with bare shelves and undesirable costume options that no one wants. And recent news has even hinted at a candy shortage! Boo!
So what's one to do? We've got a couple of options to consider. Go old school and make a costume! Yep, Get out the scissors, glue and glitter and you'll really sparkle among the store bought costumes. And we can guarantee that you'll be the only you out there!
Don't want to venture out into the mysterious and creepy night air on Halloween? Stay home and binge on classic and current scary movies. Turn out the lights if you dare! What's your favorite? The Shining? The original Halloween or Friday the 13th?